Bolgs by Prathamesh Inde

What is Success?

I've noticed a lot of people lately who believe that success is only about making money. But, for me, success entails more than just making money. I'm not saying that success isn't about making money, but about gaining knowledge, confidence, and self-esteem with money.

Success is simply a term used after accomplishing something significant in one's life. We must always sacrifice something to achieve success. People who became millionaires had lost thousands of dollars before, but those who are already broke do not want to lose something. To be successful, as I previously said, you must lose anything, but in their case, they must invest something, and that is the most important thing in life, time. To be successful, they must invest their time in learning new things, implementing them in their work, and doing new things.

Consider Elon Musk, who is in charge of multibillion-dollar firms such as SpaceX, Tesla, and Starlink. But it all began with little money; he expended his time and became prosperous and wealthy, so wealthy that he became the World's richest individual. Another example is Facebook; Mark Zuckerberg founded the company with little capital and is now one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet.

To be honest, I used to think that success was directly proportional to money earned, but robbers earn money and are wealthy, but they are not good because they spend their time doing bad things. So success is described as earning respect in life rather than money, and in order to be successful, you must spend time. So spend your valuable time, do some work, and believe in yourself. You may never see Success coming, but all you have to do is work before it finds you.
